What day (of the week) is today? *not the date!¿Qué día es hoy?
Which ones?¿cuáles?
because **all one word and no accentoporque
behinddetrás de
between; amongentre
far away fromlejos de
fridayel viernes
in front of (not delante de)enfrente de
in front of (not enfrente de)delante de
mondayel lunes
nearcerca de
next to /besidesal lado de
on top ofencima de
on; oversobre
saturdayel sábado
sundayel domingo
the bookel libro
the eraserel borrador
the teacher (female)la profesora
the teacher (male)el profesor
the Spanish classel español
the accountingla contabilidad
the artel arte
the backpackla mochila
the biologyla biología
the blackboard. the whiteboardla pizarra
the book storela librería
the business (adminstration)la administración de empresas
the cafeteriala cafetería
the chalkla tiza
the chemistryla química
the classla clase
the classmateel compañero de clase
the clock or watchel reloj
the college; the universityla universidad
the computer sciencela computación
the course; not materia (as in class material..science/ math etc)el curso
the deskel escritorio
the doorla puerta
the dormsla residencia estudiantil
the economyla economía
the englishel inglés
the foreign languageslas lenguas extranjeras
the geographyla geografía
the historyla historia
the homework (not deberes)la tarea
the homework (not tarea)los deberes
the house; the homela casa
the humanitieslas humanidades
the journalismel periodismo
the laboratoryel laboratorio
the libraryla biblioteca
the literaturela literatura
the majorla especialización
the mapel mapa
the mathematicslas matemáticas
the musicla música
the paperel papel
the penla pluma
the physicsla física
the psychologyla psicología
the scheduleel horario
the scienceslas ciencias
the seat/ the chairla silla
the semesterel semestre
the socialogy; the social studiesla sociología
the stadiumel estadio
the student (female)la estudiante
the student (male)el estudiante
the tablela mesa
the testel examen
the test or quizla prueba
the trimesterel trimestre
the wastebasketla papelera
the weekla semana
the weekendel fin de semana
the windowla ventana
thursdayel jueves
to answercontestar
to arrivellegar
to ask(questions)preguntar
to be (emoción/ el colocación (lugar)/ los estados fisicos)estar
to buycomprar
to converse; to chatconversar
to dancebailar
to desire; to wish fordesear
to drawdibujar
to eat breakfastdesayunar
to explainexplicar
to finishterminar
to have dinner; to eat dinnercenar
to likegustar
to listen to musicescuchar la música
to look at/ to watchmirar
to look for; to search forbuscar
to need to dO somethingnecesitar infinitivo
to practicepracticar
to preparepreparar
to rest; to relaxdescansar
to returnregresar
to singcantar
to studyestudiar
to take/ to take-in/ to drinktomar
to talk; to speakhablar
to teachenseñar
to the left ofa la izquierda de
to the right ofa la derecha de
to travelviajar
to wait to do something /to hope to do somethingesperar infinitivo
to wait(for)/to hopeesperar
to walk (not andar)caminar
to wear; to carryllevar
to where?¿adónde?
to worktrabajar
today is.... (day of the week or date)hoy es el...
tuesdayel martes
under; underneathdebajo de
wednesdayel miércoles
why?¿por qué?
why?¿por qué?